For services in Mesa County:
1129 Colorado Ave
Grand Junction 81506

For services in Montrose, Delta, and Ouray Counties:
540 South 1st Sreet
Montrose 81401
Services For Adults
Domestic violence services, job assistance and training, residential care for adults with traumatic brain injuries, help accessing health care, and more.
Hilltops Health Access
Providing education and enrollment support to community members accessing the Connect for Health Colorado marketplace insurance programs and tax credits.
Hilltop’s Brain Injury Services
Providing adults with traumatic brain injuries the home, community-based programs, and support that is essential to reclaiming wholeness and independence.
Hilltop’s Latimer House
Latimer House helps those affected by domestic violence and sexual assault move from crisis to confidence with a 24-hour crisis line, emergency shelter, advocacy, counseling, and more.
Western Colorado 211
WC 211 is a call center which provides information and referrals for local services to individuals and families in need to appropriate organizations and agencies who offer solutions.